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What's the secret to making the Charity Governance Code work?

At In The Round Advisors, we are big fans of the Charity Governance Code (

Within the section on 'using the code', there's a small sentence, that's easy to skim past, but is really important. Here it is:

'This Code is designed as a tool to support continuous improvement.'

One activity that underpins the whole code - wow!

Now, in our conversations with Charities, there are as many definitions of what continuous improvement is as there are people asked and it's also true that those organisations who'd heard of continuous improvement, had little experience or idea how to initiate or embed this into their operation.

The code itself provides some good areas to consider and review but we are regularly asked about the 'how'.

There are lots of models and articles around that might make you think this is complicated and difficult. It's not.

Continuous improvement is a great way to get people working together, it's a great way to keep your Charity fit for the future and once you get started, it's actually quite easy to sustain.

You just need to give it a go and our demos, training and coaching are designed to do just that - bring ongoing improvement to life in a way that's right for you.

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